Wednesday, November 6, 2013

November -The Sermon on the Mount

Sermon on the Mount-November


The Attitude of Jesus Toward the Law:  Jesus was teaching “to the test”. My great-grandmother used to use this wonderful phrase about getting ready for “the finals”. In life, Jesus taught that we live with a dichotomy within ourselves. There is the self that lives by the rule of laws that are man-made. These are “Caesar’s laws”.  Then there are the Ten Commandments:

1) Thou shall have no other Gods but me; 2) Thou shall not have any idols before you, nor make or bow down to any idols; 3) Thou shall not use the name of the Lord in vain; 4)  Remember the Sabbath Day to keep it holy; 5) Honor thy Father and thy Mother; 6) Thou Shalt Not Kill; 7) Thou shall not commit adultery; 8) Thou Shalt Not Steal; 9) Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor; 10) Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor or thy neighbor’s wife, nor anything that belongs to thy neighbor.


These were the laws that Moses brought down from the mountain and were taught to Jesus and by Him to others. He simply said to follow God’s law.


The Law on Murder: Jesus says, “Don’t be a ‘Rebel without a cause!” Don’t let passions rule your life. If you use reason and temperance, cooler heads shall prevail.


Reconciliation with Friends: (and Enemies): You can’t go through life carrying anger and harboring resentments if you want to practice Christian Living. Learn to forgive and heal yourself.


Law on Adultery: Pretty simple, Jesus said, “Just say No!”


The Law on Divorce: Jesus sets Marriage up as a commitment for Life.  In today’s society where one out of two marriages now end in divorce, this is a serious matter to contemplate when thinking about getting married!


Law on Oaths: In today’s society, this may be the most difficult of all! I suggest the old idea where you put a nickel (a quarter or a dollar with inflation!) into a jar for each time you swear. This may get to be a healthy savings account or a nice trip before you decide to stop, but it just may stop you!


Law on Revenge: Practice this with people you really don’t like! If you have been sued or in a heated argument or disagreement, (or a divorce!)...or have worked with people you don’t want to see outside of work, practice this-Don’t give short shrift to anyone who asks for help. Remember the old adage: “Walk a mile in their shoes”. Try to put yourself in their position and give to him that asks.


Love for One’s Enemies-Sure, it’s easy to love your friends and families. And people who like you! How about those “other” people? Do you know your true capacity for love? Go the extra mile. This may be the hardest thing for a human to do, but it is the essential part of Christian Living.


Pious works: Don’t show off. Period. The antidote for braggadocio is to take a big daily dose of humble pie!


Almsgiving: Hypocrisy and hypocrites! I believe they may be the worst thing in Jesus’ estimation. You should learn how to give of yourself and to others, but not to make a big, huge deal about it!